How much does virtual club programming cost?
Virtual club activities are free to all campers who were registered for June and/or July Stay Camp. This includes access to all zoom meetings and activity kits. We are accepting donations of any amount to help offset the cost of providing these virtual programs.
How can I sign my child up?
Campers who were registered for June and/or July Stay Camp will have the opportunity to enroll in Virtual Clubs. In order for your camper(s) to be registered for a club, they must be signed up. The deadline to register for Virtual Clubs is August 24th. There are two ways to register:
- By completing and returning the registration form sent by mail/email
- By completing online registration through our website (
How will you connect virtually with my camper? Do I need to provide materials?
All clubs meetings will happen over zoom. Club meetings will be on the same day of the week for 5 weeks. Before the start of our first session of virtual clubs you will receive a last minute email with your campers zoom log-in information. Sherwood will provide any materials your camper will need throughout the course of the club.
Will I need to participate in activities with my camper?
While we are providing activities and programming for campers that they should be able to do on their own, we expect parents/guardians to provide appropriate in-person supervision of campers as they participate in hands-on activities and online virtual camp experiences. We also encourage families to participate in camp activities if they would like.
Can my campers’ siblings participate?
We will only be providing enough activity supplies for campers who were registered for each club. However, we encourage siblings or other family members to participate in club activities as much as they would like.
How long will virtual clubs last?
Virtual clubs are currently designed for two 5- week fall sessions. The first session will run September 7th – October 10th. Our second session will start October 19th, and run until November 21st . Additional programing and supplies are being planned for spring 2021 and details will be provided once developed. We are continuing to monitor COVID-19 in our community and are hopeful we may be able to provide in-person programs in the fall.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or any ideas your family wants to see during virtual clubs at