Winter Wolf Trip

Winter Wolf Trip

Through Quest, our program for 2nd through 9th graders, we offer opportunities for our campers to build their skills from the summer through hands-on, educational trips during the school year. Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders focus on Animal Science for their school year...
“The Adventure Never Ends” – Briana’s Story

“The Adventure Never Ends” – Briana’s Story

For our Annual Dinner for 2017, we asked some of our program participants to share their stories. One of the young people we heard from was Briana—a 10th grader who graduated from our Leadership Training Program this fall. This is the speech she shared about how...
Introducing our new & improved website!

Introducing our new & improved website!

We are starting out the new year with a new look! This January we launched our new and improved website. Our hope is that the updates make the site easier to navigate for all audience. The new website has easy-to-find information for parents, campers, volunteers,...